Your 2025 Pledge
Throughout this year, we have looked at all the non-monetary ways we practice stewardship – commitment to our ministries such as altar guild, creation care, friendship and support for each other and our neighbors. St. Mary’s ministries thrive because you are deeply connected to God and each other through your roots of faith and service.
Did you know?
The average 2024 pledge to St. Mary’s Church is $2730 a year. Many of you also contribute additional funds as part of your personal ministries. The 2024 pledges were a generous 18% increase over the 2023 pledges. This increase is a result of everyone’s efforts during the transitions of the last 10 years and our perseverance through the pandemic. During that time St. Mary’s crafted a vision for who we wanted to be in the future, and we are now living that vision.
In 2024, it costs $1,300 per day to operate St. Mary’s Church. Currently, pledge income provides $420 per day. If we add non-pledge giving, gifts and building use fees, we cover $610 per day towards those costs, leaving a budget gap of $700 per day.
This year, we had Linda look deeply at our numbers; there are two realities we need to be honest about. 1) We run a deficit budget. Based on Linda’s numbers, if everyone doubled their pledges, we would still have a deficit. 2) We should be building our budget around our pledges.
This year, we will set the budget based on what we have done in the past and what we hope to do in the coming year. That will include pulling money from our investment to make up for the deficit.
That feels liked bad news when we have really amazing news that will reshape how we see our congregation. Based on Linda’s calculations, the average pledge to St. Mary’s in 2024 was $2730. The national average for a pledge in the Episcopal church for 2024 was $1947. That means we are averaging nearly $800 more per pledge than the national average, and we are not a large or wealthy church.
When the vestry looks at the numbers, we see a congregation that answered our call last stewardship season; we see a congregation that is putting their money behind the vision. We see a congregation throwing their support behind our Rector and the Vestry. We see people that have dug deep and are already giving everything they have to spare to this mission.
As you fill out your pledge card for 2025, if you have fallen on harder times, it is okay to pull back on your pledge. If you know you can do what you did last year, keep the same pledge. If you have seen a fair increase in the market and are looking pretty good, maybe you increase your pledge this year by $10 or 1-2%. Every dollar that we avoid pulling from our investments allows it to grow and increase our overall financial security.
Whatever your financial situation is, we know you are prayerful about these decisions. One thing is clear when we look at these numbers, you care and are committed to our church.
This year our hope is to collect pledge cards on the birthday of our church, Sunday, October 6. Our 2025 pledge cards are our birthday present to our church and we are planning a festive formation time to celebrate our shared commitment to St. Mary’s.