My grandson was busy very playing but when his sister cried out, he dropped everything and ran straight to her, tenderly searching for her wound. Christ is so alive in this little boy. He made me remember the immediacy and tenderness of Christ’s love.
I’ve got a wound too. It’s not awful just now, though sometimes it feels unbearable and it’s harder to reach. You can’t always kiss it away but the sentiment is a good place to start. Don’t we all long for loving kindness when dealing with our ongoing little and big hurts?
I work, as I suspect we all do, to give my worries, my troubles and pain to God and for the most part I succeed but life can squeak through. It helps to hear from my church community to know I am not alone on this journey, to hear our faith seen in action in our own lives, to remind each other that Christ does live in each of us, in the here and now. It is comforting to share our shared beliefs in real time, to know as we leave the church building, we take our hands and feet with us as we try our best to be Christ in the world. We also take our ears and eyes to see and hear Christ in action. Holy moments abound. Tell us those stories!
Soul Share is the good news balm we can share, side by side. No matter what your age or writing style, you have something we all need to hear. Please share your touching, holy moments with us; a drawing, a few sentences, a poem or prayer or a short essay 300-500 words.